I use meditation as a tool to keep my mind in check.

I use meditation as a tool to motivate me in all areas of life.

I use meditation as a tool to strengthen my ability to self-soothe.

ya’ll listen up for a second. I used to be that girl that rolled her eyes when I read something or heard someone talking about meditation. “yeaaaaaaah right, like sitting alone in silence is what I need to spend my time doing.” “RIDICULOUS to think something so seeming simple could make such a difference in my life, like all these crazy people keep claiming”. I kid you not, those are actual thoughts from my actual brain, some time ago.

I have come to the realization that for me, spending time ON MY THOUGHTS, or THINKING, or HECK – TRYING NOT TO THINK, or JUST BEING was wasted time. I have so much more to do, so many things on my to do list, groceries to shop for, a bathroom to clean, a business I could be spending more time on, events to be planned and held, insert all the other things here we as humans have on our plates on any given day.

What I now realize is that those external things we all have a responsibility for as adults, are never going to just POOF go away – in fact, those things, FOR ME, come from a cultural conditioning of “you’re not productive if you’re not busy” or “you’re only successful if you’re working yourself HARD, and into the ground”. Society has crept into my brain and made me feel actual PHYSICAL, and MENTAL guilt for taking time for myself. And DOUBLE WHAMMY if those things are hippie-dippie, woo woo witch doctor stuff like meditation.

I laugh, because I am the epitome of a hippie dippie, woo woo, wanna be witch doctor now. Here I am, about to tell you how meditation has and IS transforming my life. the bonus is that I’m still busy, still have a lot on my plate and a to-do list a mile long – but those things aren’t controlling me like they once did. I’m taking control now.

Here’s what I want you to take away from my rant today.

If you’re human.

If you’re busy.

If you’re a mom, or a dad, or if you don’t have any kids at all.

If you’re a business owner.

If you’re an employee.

If you’ve ever felt utter exhaustion.

If you’ve struggled wondering what the heck LIFE is about.

If you’ve never had a bout of depression, or anxiety in your life.

If you struggle with those demons DAILY.


you owe it to yourself to give meditation a try. you don’t have to shout from the mountain tops that you’re doing it. You don’t have to tell your mother and face her harsh judgement of your personal choices. you can simply do it for you. because you deserve it. you deserve everything beautiful, wonderful, magical and freeing that you can think up.

here’s one I enjoyed immensely, and it’s just 9 minutes long. If you don’t have 9 minutes to give yourself, send me a message and let me help you find the time. 9 minutes is the MINIMUM of time you deserve to spend on helping that beautiful and incredible brain of yours to see how awesome mediation can be…..if only you give it a try.


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